Minor Drug offenses

Things that get me going
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Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:14 pm

Minor Drug offenses

Post by larry »

Minor Drug offenses like possession of marijuana are a joke. The cops should not be stopping vehicles and putting people in jail and giving criminal records out for these possession offense. Jail and criminal records do nothing to stop these people from re-offending. It just makes it harder for them to get a real job as they now have a criminal record and are less employable.

I believe marijuana should be legalized. Possession should not be a criminal offense. It should be a ticketing offense and treated similar to impaired driving.

Until our medical system has enough funds to help these people get off the drugs we as a society should not make them criminals.

It seems to me we have lots of money to punish simple crimes and prosecutions but no money in prevention of crime. The current way of dealing with these type of crimes just doesn't work. Maybe its time for a change.