Take it to one of our shops

Auto Insurance and your rights
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Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:14 pm

Take it to one of our shops

Post by larry »

Most insurance companies have a preferred shop or a recognized shop program.

Don't be fooled.

You have the right to take your vehicle to a shop of your choice (not theirs)and the Insurance Company will still have to honor the repairs as well as guarantee them.

Choice of Repair Shops

Your car is the second largest investment you're likely to make. Assure the safety of your family and preserve the value of your investment by having it repaired correctly.

The average vehicle owner doesn't understand their most important role in the collision repair process -- their selection of a repair shop. For this reason, they often fall victim to incorrect information, confusing claims processes and sometimes just plain wrong advice.

Do I have the right to choose the shop that will repair my car?

Absolutely. There is no law or moral standard says you must have your vehicle repaired at the "cheapest" shop or one "preferred" by the insurance company because of a special relationship they may have with these shops. You should select a repair facility based on their skill, service, knowledge, reputation and guarantee of their workmanship.

A few insurance claims offices or agents will attempt to influence your decision when selecting a repair shop. They often try to refer you to a shop of their choice -- one "preferred" by them.


Many Insurance companies with "referral" or "preferred shop" programs have approached repair shops and, in exchange for discounts, use of non-original parts and other cost-cutting techniques, promise to send repair work to the particpating shop to be on the insurer's "list."

Many have contracts in place with these repair shops. The problem? The repair shops participating in these programs are, in essence, working for the insurance company -- not you, the vehicle owner.