Cell phone smoke and mirrors

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Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:14 pm

Cell phone smoke and mirrors

Post by larry »

I'm really tired of all the claims that cell phone use causes all these accidents. Do we have any real statistics to verify this? Show me the proof.

If this is true then why don’t the police charge the people that have these accidents with driving without due care and attention but no instead they want to take away another of our rights. I have been a Ham radio operator for over 25 years and haven't yet had a accident.

The city police use radios all the time as due cab drivers and I'm quite sure their statistics don’t agree with a complete ban.

To me its just another thing that the police can use to issue a ticket that in the end will just increase the city coffers and not make any real changes in the accident rates.

I'm sure there have far more accidents caused by smokers dropping a cigarette, do we ban cigarettes NO how about eating food in a vehicle do we ban MacDonald’s No!

And finally I'm willing to bet that there are far to many accidents caused by trying to adjust or tune in a radio built into the vehicle do we ban radios NO instead we jump on the cell phone user

If cell phones are such a problem why don’t the police ticket the users when they have an accident?

It's my guess they can't prove the person was on the Cell phone and that it caused an accident so they would rather take away my right to use a cell phone.

Upset & Tired